Women's Bible Study
Tuesdays at 6:30PM & Saturdays at 9AM
Join our vibrant women's small group and Bible study that meets twice a week! It's a time of fellowship and deeper discovery of God's promises for women today! Questions? Connect with Pastor Sharon.

Youth Group
Wednesdays at 6:30PM
Our ERNC teens meet on Wednesday nights to fellowship and discover God's plan for their lives. See Paul and Jacquelyn Buerkert with any questions.

Thursdays at 7PM (resuming in March)
Are you or a loved one experiencing the effects of a loss? Our GriefShare program is a comprehensive, Christ-centered program that seeks to equip those who are grieving with ways to experience Christ's comfort during difficult seasons. See Iris Nieves or Lorraine Buerkert for more information.
Men's Bible Study
Saturdays at 9AM
Calling all men! Join our weekly Bible study and fellowship where we unpack God's Word and discuss how it applies to our lives today. Coffee & Bagel breakfast provided. Any questions? Speak with Pastor Steve.

Young Adult Group
Biweekly Thursdays at 7PM
Calling all young adults between 18-30! Our young adults meet for a home Bible study every other Thursday night, studying the Word, and fellowshipping over food and games.

Mid-Week Bible Study
Wednesdays at 7PM
Desiring a deeper connection to the Bible? Join our mid-week Bible Study that meets every Wednesday! Our pastors guide us through Scripture together in a way that is expansive yet clear to understand and apply. See Pastor Steve with any questions.

See who is performing each month under our events page.
Come and join us for an evening of praise and worship to our God.
Acts II
Last Saturday of each month at 7 PM

Mid-Week Prayer Meeting
Wednesdays at 12:00PM
A praying community is a thriving community! Join us on Wednesdays at
12 pm in the Coffee House as we intercede for various: ranging from individual circumstances to current events.
See Pastor Steve for more info.

Children's Sunday School
Sundays at 10:30AM
Let the little children come! Our dedicated volunteers provide biblical care and teaching to the youngest in our community. With any questions, see our Sunday School coordinator, Tara Godfrey.